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A statement 



Mont blanc fermes péda acts


Raising awareness

To act conscientiously, you need to understand! Agriculture is too little understood and suffers from a lack of public awareness! To improve consumption patterns, the quality and price of our plates and the daily lives of producers, let's open up our farms!  



Agriculture, a key contributor to biodiversity 

Who better than the one who has his hands in the earth can manage it? Protect it? and even improve its quality? 

Yes, the farmer is the first to suffer from a damaged land and it is also the one who sets up the most small wonders and techniques on a daily basis to deal with the new realities of our land. Let’s take advantage of their experience


Education and health

Our society, detached from the concrete, suffers from a disconnection with the earth, its animals and plants. It is urgent to offer all our young and suffering access to agricultural realities to give real meaning to all this

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Raising awareness with Mont Blanc fermes péda 

Visits directly to producers

A successful teaching approach to the realities of production

Information on the agricultural point of view of conflicts of interest

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A global, objective geographical approach

Tools for everyone in the fight for biodiversity and sustainable consumption

Sensory contact with nature to anchor the experience

 The association's mission is to provide objective information that encourages the various players in the area to make decisions. Conflicts are calmed by awareness. 

La biodiversité avec Mont Blanc fermes péda

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The FOEHN fund has enabled us to launch this experiment! 
Have you heard of it? 

Farmers have to deal with the land and its health on a daily basis

When our researchers are desperately looking for solutions, do our farmers already have them? 

Japanese knotweed

Japanese knotweed is now well-established in most European countries, causing numerous impacts. The queen of invasives, its presence is indicative of soil degradation. Unbeatable at multiplying and conquering new areas, no other plant competes with it in our regions.

The 2024 experiment

In partnership with local authorities and farmers, the association is carrying out a scientific protocol over the 2024 summer season to observe the ability of pigs to combat Japanese knotweed. Known for their ability to dig, pigs represent a hope never before tested.

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The Jaws of Mont Blanc Fermes péda : At your home all summer long


Eco-pasturing involves using herbivorous animals such as goats, sheep, cows or horses to maintain land, parks, gardens and natural areas. Eco-pasturing replaces the use of motorised vehicles, thereby reducing CO2 emissions. It's an age-old practice that goes back several thousand years, well before the industrial era. 

Eco-pasturing is making a comeback in response to new environmental and biological challenges.


Already well known and practised in France in large areas where the farmer takes his entire herd, many areas remain ungrazed! 

The association gets round the current constraints to do even more: we only take 2 animals for several months! They go absolutely everywhere, they don't impact on the farmer's summer work and they're good for the planet! 

The service is managed by the association in direct partnership with the breeder. No time or investment is required from the breeder, but the animal is valued over the summer.

The hosts benefit from the social impact of an animal presence, as well as improving the quality of their green spaces and their impact on the planet! In the valley, our goats have already become part of the daily lives of several partners, so why not join in the adventure?


An associative team

An associative team

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